
Bucks' No.3

一視被認為最近似 Iverson 的 Brandon Jennings,今仗在 Madison Square Garden 的比賽終於讓我看到一點 AI 的影子了。


當然大家都明白籃球是合作的運動,要贏球不能憑一己之力,但卻可以因為一個球員,振動整個球場。 縱使 Jennings 的表現並不至於轟動 MSG,卻肯定振碎整隊 New York Knicks。因為欠缺一個有效的 PG 這破綻幾乎全聯盟皆知了,有比這更讓人擔心嗎?

就連對手也擔心這個問題,剛於上一場打敗 Knicks 的 Nash,就於賽後有以下回應。

Nash said it will take some time for all the new players on the Knicks roster to jell, considering Davis' injury and the fact that New York amnestied its only pure point guard, Chauncey Billups.

 "He's in a tough position, you know," Nash said of D'Antoni. "They’ve constantly changed and brought in new people, and now he's got all these new pieces. He hasn't really had the point guard he wanted, and hopefully Baron will get healthy.

雖然 Jennings 未必是最佳人選,但當初 Knicks 確也錯過了這名 PG,而也間接造就了些 side stories。

Milwaukee dominated the second half behind Jennings, who loves to make the Knicks pay for passing on him with the No. 8 pick in the 2009 draft.

 "I love the city just in general. You know it's the Mecca of basketball," Jennings said. "I'm always here in the summer playing basketball in the streets in New York, so you know it's not just The Garden. It's the vibe of New York."


